Travelling around Makkah? Makkah Bus tickets will cost SAR4 starting Wednesday November 1.
With 12 routes and 438 stops, the buses are connecting most of the city and make travelling around easier.
Makkah Bus service
The transportation service was launched by the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites (RCMC). The Makkah Bus service has the slogan of “Ma’an A’ala Al-Darb” or “Together on the Road,” the Makkah Bus aims to provide a safe, easy and comfortable way of travelling around the city.
The Makkah Bus will have WiFi.
Makkah bus tickets
Makkah bus tickets will cost SAR4 from November 1, and they will available through multiple channels including, the Makkah bus app and ticketing kiosks.
The SAR4 follows a free trial period that lasted from February 15, 2022 to October 31, 2023.
Group tickets will also be available.
Makkah Bus routes
The buses connect the Grand Mosque and its surrounding areas to neighbourhoods like Al Shuhada’a, Al Kakiya and Jaranah and more. The Makkah Bus routes cover 560 kilometres through 12 routes. There are over 200 buses operating.
Two bus categories are running: standard buses with a capacity of 85 passengers and articulated buses with a 125-passenger capacity.
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Where will you travel to next?
SAR4. Wed Nov 1. Makkah,
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